
Monday, February 27, 2012

DHC Coenzyme Q10 Facial Film Soap

Q10 Facial Film Soap is one of the more unique yet practical products that I've discovered from DHC.  I personally like using soap as a facial cleanser and have had good experiences with soaps from DHC, but I don't like taking bars of soap with me when I travel.  These individually wrapped sheets of facial soap are perfect for travel, the gym, or anyplace you might need a quick clean up.  This soap contains coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant our bodies produce, although at a decreasing rate as we age.  Antioxidants fight free radicals, and since free radicals contribute to the aging process, we want those antioxidants that can fight them.  I love the sound of this, but coenzyme Q10 has to be present in sufficient quantities and in a form that can penetrate the skin in order to be effective.  I have no way of knowing if the Q10 in this soap meets that criteria, but it does clean effectively without stripping my skin, so this plus the travel convenience factor makes it a winner to me.

These come 40 to a box are are currently on sale for $8.25 at DHC through March 31.  This was a sample contained in DHC's March catalog and while I have purchased these in the past, I'm currently out.  I've got a trip coming up in March so may need to restock!

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